
Safety is Priority #1
We believe nothing else matters, without the protection and well being of our employees and those we serve.
We view safety as our biggest responsibility and pledge the following:
All employees shall continuously work for an injury free work place through a total awareness, consistency, discipline, proactive planning, and an ongoing concern for the well being of others.
All employees dedicated to holding themselves and their co-workers responsible for safety
Dedicated full-time safety personnel
Company policies that exceed industry standards
In-depth tracking and assessments of safety performance
Corporate Safety Committee
Extensive safety training and development for all personnel
Safety discussions as the first topic of all company meetings & gatherings
An all-encompassing Safety Manual that is regularly reviewed and reinforced to personnel
Industry leadership initiatives
Proper machines and tools to do the work without undue danger
Safety partnerships with customers
It is our belief that we need to always work to improve our safety initiatives. We believe we can always improve when it comes to protecting our most important asset, OUR PEOPLE.
Because safety is our highest priority, we have developed an all encompassing Safety Program that is designed to provide the optimum safe working conditions for our employees, our customers and the general public. This carefully designed program includes the following:
MP Systems, Inc. Safety Training Day, 2024